Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why have I started this blog?

This blog started because of a two minute conversation following a recent event. I was asked by to share my thoughts and experiences on Clicktools' participation in the AppExchange. After presenting and receiving (mainly) positive feedback someone asked me if I could share not only the slideware but also my script.

When presenting I tend not to write scripts. I run through the presentation several times thinking of salient and relevant points to the audience and basically ‘wing it’. After explaining this, I was told I should write down what I had said as it may prove useful to individuals and organizations contemplating integration and adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS) and the AppExchange. Also, as a throwaway comment, the same person said I should start a blog.

You will have noticed that I have referred to the person anonymously. That is because I cannot for the life of me remember which one of the many people I spoke to mentioned the above. I treated it as a throwaway comment but whilst sitting on the train home I thought, why not? So, when I got home I went online to Blogger and started... The joys of SaaS!

This is the (first) result of that fleeting conversation. I don’t know whether any one will find it useful but I hope it provides cause for thought. These views are not necessarily those of my fellow employees at Clicktools, certainly not the views of anyone at and all mistakes are mine. Please agree/disagree, comment or point out any errors by emailing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere ClickTools! I added your new blog to my list of Partner blogs at:

By the way - what is your name anonymous blogger? :)